February 1, 2012

Just a little bit before...

Surgery day is looming... 2 days away. Eek!

Hubby and I had delicious tender steaks for supper tonight and I am glad to have had the chance to eat one of my favourite meals cooked by my favourite guy.

So... I figure now is as good a time as any to share with you (my awesome readers) some pictures that my wonderful friend Nancy (of Nancy Snow Photography) took of me in her home studio a couple weeks ago. She ordinarily does photo shoots for children and families, but since she's a good friend she hooked me up :)

Even though the orthodontist and surgeon take their own pictures for diagnostics, I wanted to have some nice pictures that I was happy to share; and more than just a selfie taken at arms length!

Now without further ado, here I am, in all my braced/negative overjet glory!

Face on:

Side profiles:


Now, just remember... the next pictures I post will be way less polished! There will be no studio lighting and I will have a puffy moon-face and NO makeup! LOL

Thank you everyone for all the support you've given me, I appreciate it so much! I will be taking my laptop to the hospital with me, and as soon as I feel up to it, I will be updating this blog.
